Tuesday, February 21, 2012


We turned the computer on and were blown away…we have an icon on our desktop that shows the temperature here, and it is at 99 degrees today! That temperature here also morphs into a problem with the electricity going out more frequently. Oh well, we are learning of the “joys” of living here.

It looks like we will be spending our next 3 weeks, teaching classes in the school each morning. We assist David and Janet and Erika, with our “talents” in drama, storytelling, and Phys. Ed classes. Ok… don’t laugh…God is equipping us…..If he can make a donkey talk……..we are trusting Him.

 We have dinner at lunch time- often followed by personal time- which we call nap timeJ, and  "tea” at supper time- lighter fare such as soup, pancakes, or sandwiches.

Saturday we go to town for shopping…and supper out. What an experience, it takes about an hour to get to town, which is 35 miles away, traffic, traffic!!!! It is a hair raising, pants peeing journey....it is a good time
to play I spy...to take your mind off what is happening just inches away from you.
       Randy has been bothered with his left foot – there is a bump on the top of his foot, and two toes turned black and blue, and it has been swollen since we got here. There is a nurse on staff here, and he decided Randy should go to a hospital in Vijayawada to have it check out. The foot is almost 100% now, but he was in and out of there in 40 minutes!  He had it examined, 2 x-rays, and a prescription –total cost, 762 Rupees – that’s $15.24!!!!  That is cheaper than a large deluxe pizza!
    Yesterday afternoon we walked the campus and the school girls that live on campus shared with us their afternoon snack “Googolu Nuts” Now, we can’t tell you what kind of nut they were, but similar to boiled peanuts, warm, soft, salty…mmm…mmm....we gingerly ate them at first, but we soon found our selves loving them and the girls were laughing at us as we tried to shell them before putting them in our mouths.
    They are such good kids here on campus, they study very hard and many hours. The minute we step out the door, they swarm to us, and ask us their name, because you see, they tell us all the time,(their names) and want us to remember….but we can’t remember, or pronounce them. Is that one Swatamo….Lakish….Calaca…? Once in a while we hear a familiar one, like for instance we have met a Cecelia (same as our future daughter-in-laws name) you can bet we remember that girl, and she is very pleased that we do!!
  Sunday we worshipped in a small  church, in a poor village.  A group of us learned “As a Deer Panted for the Water”in Telegu to sing at the service. Everyone smiled and “nodded” as we sang it, but we are not sure we got a straight answer on if they understood any of it.  After the service the pastor showed us the wooden doors on the front of the church that are falling apart….60 dollars or so to fix, but the church does not have the money for it....hard life for churches and pastors here.

We miss you all….more on the journey coming later!
Randy and Sheryl



1 comment:

  1. Still can't believe you guys are there! Way to go, great start! So proud of you and hope your foot feels better, Uncle Randy :)
